Optimisation of Hotel Prices
The basis for this is a detailed price check (evaluation of price comparisons with structurally similar and comparable businesses from your area and other regions). Recommendations for optimising prices and a list of measures for future pricing are made from this.
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Introduction to Revenue Management
The principle of revenue management is as follows; the higher the utilisation, the higher the price. It is a model that is becoming more and more popular in holiday and wellness hotels, but has different requirements to existing systems in city hotels. On the basis of a detailed analysis of the business and the structural conditions of the hotel, several workshops serve to clarify all questions relating to an implementable revenue management model.
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Price Study for a Destination or Region
In a detailed price study, we analyse and compare current prices from a previously defined sample of price lists with prices at low-cost providers and on platforms. We also highlight the business and regional effects and develop clear recommendations for future pricing strategies.
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Price Study for a Destination or Region
The "Gastronomy Price Comparison" provides a current overview of price levels according to specific business types and regions. Clients are usually representatives or destinations. In addition to the price comparison, the benefit for gastronomers lies in an individually created, striking guide to success factors in the catering industry. Alongside concrete tips to improve results, it also contains practicable reference values and sample calculations for different enterprise types.
In addition, a "Meal Index" can serve as the basis for active press work for guiding gastronomers towards "calculation and successful offer creation".
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