
"When it comes to external advice that raises quality and professionalism in tourism businesses and regions, then Kohl and Partner is an excellent choice." Quality Austria

AQA - Austrian Quality Award

The Kohl & Partner team received the 'State Prize for Quality' from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2006 for being the best medium-sized company in Austria.
ISO 9001-certified in 1995

UNWTO - World Tourism Organisation

As a consultant and affiliate member of this UN organisation, Kohl & Partner obtains top international information about tourism for its customers

AIEST - International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism

This global association of scientific tourism experts provides access to scientific tourism analyses and links to international universities

HSMAI - Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association Europe

Membership of this association gives Kohl & Partner insight into the latest trends in sales & marketing and good contacts with executives in this area

IAPPA - International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions

This specialist organisation reports the key news from amusement parks in the USA and provides Kohl & Partner with an ongoing overview of developments in the tourist entertainment sector

HRCA - Hotel and Restaurant Controller Association

Exchange of experiences and hotel and restaurant controlling benchmarks ensure that Kohl & Partner's clients always receive professional, up-to-date advice

AHK - German Chamber of Commerce in Austria

German-Austrian exchange of business experience

FCSI - Foodservice Consultants Society International Germany-Austria

Expert platform for advice and planning across the hotel industry, hospitality and large-scale catering - in German-speaking countries and worldwide

ÖHV - Austrian Hotel Association

Networking, lobbying and service for hoteliers are the focal points of the active partnership between Kohl & Partner and the Austrian Hotel Association.

hogast - purchasing cooperative for the hotel and hospitality industry

Networking and service for hoteliers are the focal points of the active partnership between Kohl & Partner and HOGAST


Kohl & Partner is a member of the consultant network hotelleriesuisse


Kohl & Partner is a member of the consultant network CURAVIVA Schweiz

VHF - Swiss Association of Indoor and Outdoor Pools

Kohl & Partner is a member of the Swiss Association of Indoor and Outdoor Pools

STV - Swiss Tourism Board

Kohl & Partner is a member of the Swiss Tourism Board

Ingenious Switzerland

Kohl & Partner is a member of Ingenious Switzerland: exports of products and services in the fields of architecture, engineering and design.

SBS – Swiss Cable Car Association

Kohl & Partner is a member of the Swiss Cable Car Association

ServiceQualität Deutschland

Kohl & Partner Stuttgart is Q2-certified - The quality management system for the service sector.

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