Presentations, Coaching & Talks


From keynote speeches at events to special topic inputs for annual general meetings - Kohl & Partner has a wide range of topics which we compile individually for you and present on-site.

An excerpt from our lecture topics in the field of tourist destinations:
- Future Destination - What Will Make Destinations Successful In the Future?
- Meeting Of The Future: Trends That Will Determine The MICE Business in the Future
- Guest Cards in Destinations - What Really Makes the Difference Between Success and Failure?
- Trends in Tourism for Tourism Destinations
- Overtourism - Strategies for Active Visitor Management
- The POWER of Tourist BRANDS
- Successful Quality Management in Destinations
- What Makes Good Destinations Better?
- Experience Dramaturgy in Destinations
- How to Get Tourism Products Off the Ground - Six Steps to Product Development in Destinations
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Kohl & Partner stands out thanks to its high levels of technical and process know-how - that is what many of our clients say. That's why so many tourism organisations repeatedly ask Kohl & Partner to give technical and process-related presentations to audiences of all sizes.
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Coaching involves providing practice-oriented, implementation-friendly and forward-looking advice to individuals or groups. Kohl & Partner implements milestones in dialogue with you and supports you in a solution-oriented manner on topics such as guest cards, organisational development, project or product development, marketing and controlling/efficiency optimisation in destinations.
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