Brandenburg state tourism concept

Brandenburg State Ministry for the Economy and Energy
Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107
14473 Potsdam, Germany

Brief project description:

In Brandenburg, tourism has seen further dynamic development as a stable economic factor. Tourism is a highly labour-intensive industry and is the main employer in many regions of Brandenburg.
Places that have been developed for tourism already have a significantly higher quality of life for the population living there. The importance of tourism in structural policy, especially in an area with low population density like Brandenburg, will continue to increase significantly as demographics change.

Kohl & Partner Munich was assigned the task of creating the new state tourism concept for Brandenburg in order to introduce approaches to the development of tourism in Brandenburg that are not only new in terms of content, but also in terms of structure. The aim is to further develop tourism as an industry of the future and to emphasise and expand its structural and political importance.

Kohl & Partner brought additional experts from the company tourismusdesign and the Alpine Research Institute on board for this wide-ranging project.

Key elements of the project:

  • arrowboldAnalysis of the development of tourism in Brandenburg and the current state of the tourism industry
  • arrowboldIdentification of the economic effects of tourism and its significance for structural policy
  • arrowboldDevelopment of a guiding vision for tourism as an industry of the future in terms of structural and economic policy with increasing importance for livelihoods
  • arrowboldFormulation of strategic recommendations for action and concrete recommendations for measures
  • arrowboldDevelopment of an evaluation concept for permanent monitoring

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