Mühlviertel tourism organisation

Upper Austria Tourist Board
Freistätter Strasse 119
4041 Linz, Austria

Brief project description:

When the project started, there were four multi-municipality and 22 single-municipality tourism associations in Upper Austria's Mühlviertel. There are also several partnerships in the hotel industry. The Mühlviertel is also marked by very committed entrepreneurship in various industries with a high level of local identity and loyalty. These include, for example, breweries, agricultural producers and manufacturers.

Strategic principles and an identity were defined as part of a branding process for the Mühlviertel. However, key decisions on the brand could not be made, as the responsibilities for far-reaching decisions of this kind were not clearly defined. In order to advance the branding process, the first thing to do was to clarify the question of a structural and organisational platform for the Mühlviertel.

Key elements of the project:

Development of a sustainable model for a tourism organisation for the Mühlviertel that

  • arrowboldtakes into account the structural characteristics of the Mühlviertel
  • arrowboldis currently heavily involved in the branding process and integrates partners effectively in the economic life of the Mühlviertel
  • arrowboldengages partners from outside tourism and from agriculture
  • arrowboldtakes the financial situation in Upper Austria into account
  • arrowboldtakes into account and summarises the status of the brand discussion.

The model should serve as a basis for decision-making in the context of the formal legal establishment of the new organisation.

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