
Active Sales and In-House Marketing in Spas

It is not just the active sale of treatments that makes a spa department commercially successful, but also active product sales and professional pre-, cross- and upselling. In addition to external marketing measures, in-house marketing activities are an important part of making a hotel spa facility profitable.
Using practical examples, this seminar presents and discusses in-house marketing measures that can be implemented by the spa team. The active sale of treatments and products is trained by means of role plays that are part of the seminar.

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This intensive and very practice-oriented seminar uses a wealth of empirical values and concrete examples to make it clear that professional and active selling will be one of the essential and indispensable success factors of the future tourism industry.

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Active Sales in Service - The Revenue Opportunity in Drinks Sales

Become a Top Seller! This Kohl & Partner seminar shows you how you can improve your own sales technique, sell better to guests and simply have more joy and success in sales. A balanced mix of sales theory and practical work awaits you.

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MICE & More

The topic of MICE (Meetings Incentives Conventions Events) has become an important factor in increasing efficiency and profitability in the hotel industry in recent years.
One key reason for this is that this range of products is ideal for boosting the off-season and thus offers businesses new opportunities.

More and more hotels are expanding their offerings for meetings, events and congresses for all attendance sizes and occasions. This trend also brings new challenges for companies: Qualified employees who have a broad knowledge of event management are indispensable for conference hotels and MICE businesses.

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