
SEMINAR "Effective Internal Communication in Destinations"

Optimised Internal Communication

Date: 21/10/2021
Time: 10.00 - 14.00
Location: Aldiana Club, Salzkammergut
Organiser: Kohl & Partner
Registration deadline: 07/10/2021
Participation fee: € 515 including seminar documents plus 20% VAT

These continue to be challenging times. Especially for tourist information offices, destinations and regional and local tourist offices, because they are at the service of members, officials and tourist businesses. And in many regions and locations, hard-working people put in maximum effort every day - and yet there is a prevailing sentiment in tourist establishments that too little is being done at the level of destinations and regions.

A "classic case" of miscommunication, since as is the case in every (business) relationship between two "factions", care must also be taken here that the sender communicates the message to the receiver in such a way that it is also correctly understood by the receiver. After all, members, functionaries and tourist establishments receive a LOT of communication and written correspondence, but a lot of this is not read (carefully)… And there are a number of reasons for this…

Key content at a glance:

  • arrowboldNeurological approaches: What makes our brain tick
  • arrowboldWhy we need to focus on the recipient
  • arrowboldWith four questions for optimised internal communication
  • arrowboldInternal communication based on the five Kohl & Partner marketing principles
  • arrowboldEvent highlight: Joint evaluation of current state of internal communication; Joint development of new communication channels

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